PTN News
The Parenting Training Network (PTN) in the Tremont Library in the Bronx, New York dedicates this page to announcing and promoting the various activities that are part of our event calendar.
PTN Celebrates Kids !!
Did you sign up for our monthly classes? Celebrating Parents and Children. Starting Feb. 2020. Register now and save money by signing up for our monthly subscription workshops which can happen onsite or at home just let us know which program you would like when you call or inquiry.
Workshops Include:
Give your child the gift of family by signing up for our monthly activity club for families featuring story telling and an interactive fun activity for you and your children to enjoy. i.e. costume parties, stuff and fluff. career day and much more. Each workshop is monthly and comes complete with lite refreshments and one take home project created in the workshop. The best thing that will come out of it is that you are building loving memories for you and your child electronically free.
PTN Pajama Party
Sponsored by Pajama Program
PTN appreciates the generosity of our sponsors in supporting our community and the needs of the low-income families who benefit from our programs. These donations assure the safety and security of our children and families for years to come.
Inquiry Form
Sign up today to enjoy great incentives!
Get in touch!
The Parenting Training Network
Newark NJ 07104
(347) 210-0823